A Natural Pet Store is a retail establishment that places a greater focus on more natural, and often higher quality, products as opposed to your average pet store. Generally, the proprietor of such an establishment is going to have a more holistic philosophy and is going to realize the importance of healthy nutrition, quality supplementation and safe pet toys. Preferably, in a natural pet store a pet parent will be able to receive answers to nutrition questions and help with common health problems their animal may be experiencing. All of this can greatly benefit the current health of your animal companion and help to extend his life span while reducing unnecessary vet visits.For consumers, their venture into a natural pet store generally begins with the search for a better diet for their dog, cat, bird or other pet. Generally they will find a wider array of what are considered to be natural pet foods, which might include raw, dehydrated, grain-free and premium canned and kibble diets. The staff should be able to explain the advantage to feeding various diets, provide knowledgeable information about ingredients and how each different type of diet may benefit any health concerns your pet may be having at the time.The information obtained by the consumer should go above and beyond the information found in the pet food manufacturers brochure and instead focus on up-to-date research. You can tell when you are in a quality natural pet store because you won’t just be told which food you should feed based on the proprietors opinion, but instead you will be informed as to which diet can best benefit your animal utilizing reasoning drawn from the currently available knowledge base.Since a natural pet store generally has a more holistic outlook, a pet parent can expect to find a more extensive selection of natural pet remedies. These can include, herbs, in powder or tincture form, flower essences, glandulars, homeopathics and nutraceuticals (foods with medicinal value). A consumer can often receive knowledgeable assistance pertaining to how to select the best product for their animal and have questions answered about ingredients, the manufacturer, contraindications etc. It is fairly easy, especially after asking a few questions, to distinguish between a knowledgeable proprietor, or well-trained employee, and a business that is just stocking these products to cash in on a current trend.A variety of healthy pet vitamins and supplements can generally also be found at a natural pet store. Since the proprietor is expected to be more knowledgeable in general, a pet parent can also anticipate a higher quality selection compared with a typical pet store. In keeping with the natural philosophy, the supplements will preferably have more natural ingredients, usually obtained from whole food sources such as herbs, fruits and vegetables, and be free of artificial additives such as synthetic vitamins, colorings, and sweeteners and other flavorings. You can distinguish a conscientious natural pet store from others by simply turning a bottle around and reading the ingredient panel on a particular supplement. If you just find a listing of inexpensive, isolated, synthetic vitamins and minerals and other synthetic additives such as colorings or flavorings, and the product selection is slim, move on and try to find a better store, because quality, healthy products are obviously not the focus of that establishment.There will often be a wide variety of pet treats and dog chews in a natural pet store. The pet treats will generally be formulated with healthier, whole food ingredients as opposed to pet treats found in other establishments that are usually formulated primarily with inexpensive grain-fillers like wheat flour. The dedicated natural pet store will avoid products imported from China because of continuing illnesses being seen in products acquired from national retail chains that were manufactured in that country. In addition, the proprietor should be aware of the sourcing of the pet chews the store stocks and avoid those that are chemically processed like the majority of rawhide products or chemically preserved to extend shelf life. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about sourcing, employees should have quick answers and appear passionate about the research they put into the products they offer their customers.Other products found in a natural pet store commonly purchased by pet parents, such as pet toys and shampoo, will also have a focus placed on healthier materials and ingredients. Pet toys can be expected to be made with non-toxic materials, often from manufacturers right here in the USA, and pet shampoos will be free of ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens and artificial fragrances that can be so unhealthy for animals and damaging to their skin. If you see the typical vinyl pet toys found in big box stores, that have that horrible chemical smell (courtesy of phthalates), you are not in a true natural pet store, so look elsewhere because there are better, more dedicated stores that would appreciate your patronage.So, Are All Natural Pet Stores Alike?Not a chance! Unfortunately, a term like “natural” is one of the hot marketing terms of the day and one of the most popular of which more and more companies are taking advantage. Yet, don’t despair, because using the information I provided above will help you to distinguish the real natural pet stores from the pretenders. Good luck!
Pet Memorial Gifts | gamenest.info
If you know of a friend or a family member that has recently lost a pet, then you know that they are in a heartbroken state. Some people might not understand why a human could have such strong emotions for a pet animal. But what these people don’t understand, is that the pet is a family member. Many children define their childhoods by their times with the family pet. Maybe the pet was a protective companion when the child went on long walks. Maybe the pet served as a hugging toy for the young child. Many children love to lay next to, or on top of the dog for warmth, comfort, and for support.Or, if the pet owner is single, they relied on the pet for a source of loving, non-judgmental support. Many pet owners look forward to coming home at the end of a long day, and having their pet greet them at the door. After dealing with the pressures of work and life, nothing feels better than to start a relaxing evening off with love and acknowledgment from one’s pet.These are the things that get lost when a pet owner loses their pet. They literally lose a part of themselves. They feel lost. So, it would be a great idea to be there for them in their time of grief, and to offer them one of a variety of pet memorial gifts. Here is a look at a variety of pet memorial gifts that can be offered to a grieving pet owner that might want pet memorials:A pet collage or memorial: Do you happen to have any pictures of you, your friend, and the pet? If you have any photos around with the deceased pet in them, use them as part of a collage or a memorial. Try to find a poem, or write one yourself. You can put something together, and present this to your friend as a tender gift that they will love and appreciate.A memorial box: This will be a treasure box of sorts, for the pet. You can present them with a wooden or glass box that is especially great for pet memorial gifts. You could get it engraved with the name of the pet on a plate that will be affixed to the box. In the way, the pet owner can keep the pet’s small belongings, like their collar, their name tags, maybe stray hairs, notes, or anything else to hold on to bits and pieces of their pets.A pet urn: Pet urns make wonderful pet memorial gifts. They aren’t expensive, and they will save an expense and a detail for your friend. They might be so overwhelmed with grief, they can’t bear to select an urn themselves. Urns come in a variety of shapes, and materials, and they do a wonderful job as pet memorials that last for a very long time.A care package: Again, your friend might be overwhelmed with tremendous amounts of grief. If the pet owner is a child, their hearts will be broken. It will be a great idea to put together a care package for them so that they can eat comfort treats, and maybe reflect on the good times that they had with their pets. In this way, care packages make good pet memorial gifts.When you select pet memorial gifts for your pet, you are going a long way in being a good and loving friend for the person who lost one of their family members.
Pet Loss Support and Animal Communication – The 5 Biggest Mistakes Identifying Pet Reincarnation | gamenest.info
Usually it begins like this:A. “It’s been weeks since my precious pet crossed to Rainbow Bridge. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of her. My life is devastated; I’m not whole without her. In one week, I’ll meet my new fur baby for the very first time. I’m starting to get nervous, anxious, excited but also feel mixed emotions. I want this to be my beloved companion returning to me. There is something very familiar about her and I know she is an old soul.”B. “I put a hold on this puppy… On the way there my past pet’s ‘song’ played on the radio – followed by a car that had a registration plate ‘WOOF 49’ – then on the way back right next to my car was ‘Dog Lovers’ car.. The signs were GOOD.When I got there, there were two almost identical puppies. I was inclined to the one that appeared most like my old pet. I held him, gave him a cuddle, he was beautiful.I played with another puppy and then said out loud, no, I think ‘he is the one’ – pointing to the original puppy. At that moment the pup in my arms opened his eyes (he is two weeks old), ‘talked’ then started to lick me… Then I KNEW – the one in my arms was my dog. So I told the owner – No, I like this one – and the little puppy looked up at me and poked out his tongue! I pick him up in 4 weeks. Today I feel truly blessed. I am the happiest I have felt in a long long time. Returning home in 4 weeks, hope for my sake, that it’s not wishful thinking.”C. “My baby is coming back to me soon. I’ve had signs. I feel it in my heart. It’s true according to the reading from my AC.”As an Animal Communicator that looks at a pet’s energy patterns while alive, deceased or in the future, the worst scenario is to tell your client their pet is not returning when their heart’s expectation and personal belief is hoping for another outcome.What can go wrong when a pet parent believes that their “baby” is returning and its’ not? The examples above demonstrate some of the 5 most common errors in mistaking the wrong pet as a reincarnated one.1. The AC did not ask your pet for permission to read them so they don’t get 100% access to all the information they need to know. The AC didn’t have a strong clear connection and was unable to provide specific detailed “only you would know” information. Although it’s what you want to hear, “He loves you,” “She misses you,” “He’s fine at Rainbow Bridge,” “of course he’s coming back,” “he’ll be multicolored” is generic input. Even though it may soothe your emotions at that time, it’s not a genuine connection with your pet.2. The Pet Psychic who gives free readings and approaches you with information claiming your pet contacted them and “here’s what your pet wanted you to know.” Usually the info is exactly what your heart is yearning to hear. Remember- “free” doesn’t guarantee accuracy.Many vulnerable emotions are hurt by readings from non-professionals and practicing ACs who say what you want to hear when you hired them. They telepathically or psychically get “just enough” correct details that you buy into all their information. In the long run, this damages the heart of the listener, the integrity of the Animal Communication profession and the validity of reincarnation.3. The AC who states “He’s at Rainbow Bridge and hasn’t made up his mind yet.” Or “I can tell you at a later reading.” Those words mean that the AC could not access the information you want to know.IF a pet has a soul contract with you that agreement was made BEFORE you came on Earth. Therefore that information IS available at any time to someone who can connect to the correct frequency.It’s not necessary to have more than one reading about reincarnation with an AC. Any and all information you want to know is in your pet’s energy field whether alive, deceased or reincarnated. That’s correct, you can read a pet that is alive and know if they are going to reincarnate or not. Additionally whether alive or dead, you can know when, where and what they will look like in future lives! Just look at their energy and what you see is what you tell your client.4. The second biggest error. HOPE and “missing your baby” and willful expectations that “he IS returning” often overrides the truth that your pet is NOT going to come back. Some people decide when, what litter he will be born into, what she will look like and then proclaim it to be so. No matter how you justify or cling to the wish that you have a reincarnated pet with all sorts of signs, “my Guides told me so,” “my AC told me so” or other self explained erroneous information, it’s just not so.According to the scientific law of Physics, every living thing has a very specific individual energy pattern that makes up its unique identity. Look at and examine each animal’s energy identification pattern. If the deceased or living pet’s ID and the new or future animal’s ID don’t match, then that pet is not reincarnated. Throughout all of time, incarnation after incarnation, your pet’s unique energy ID stays the same! It’s just that simple.5. And last but not least, THE BIGGEST ERROR of all!!! “He feels so familiar and almost looks like my deceased pet, plus I’ve gotten signs while I was looking for him and I hope I’m not wrong.”Many people mistake an animal from their deceased pet’s Soul group as their reincarnated pet. The new animal feels very familiar because it has a similar vibrational pattern as the original being. It’s like recognizing 2 sisters or cousins in the same family grouping. You recognize the connection to the original pet’s energy although it is not your beloved companion.If you look at each animal’s energy, the two individual energy patterns when overlaid on one another do not match. The original pet’s energy is a square peg and the new pet’s energy looks like a round hole. However, both are in the same puzzle/ family/ Soul group.When you look at a living or deceased pet’s identification pattern and follow their energy into a future timeframe, if your pet is going to reincarnate, what you see is the exact energy pattern of the original pet replicated into the new reincarnated pet’s body! A picture is worth a thousand heartbeats ï��Ask yourself, are you processing the information available to you truthfully or clinging onto or manufacturing misinformation to satisfy your grief and longings? Sometimes saying to yourself “I hope I’m not making a mistake” is actually the true answer to your own question.Whether your pet Returns from Rainbow Bridge or not, either way they have never stopped loving you and have never left your side. Your pet’s Love is NEVER ending, forever and ALWAYS!